clear glass bottle with yellow liquid inside

Beneath the Bling: UNHRC


Welcome delegates to the UN Human Rights Council!

Since the 1990s, Sierra Leone has struggled with severe civil conflict among its citizens. The Revolutionary United Front (RUF), a violent militia group that has overthrown the country’s national government, has immensely disrupted the stability of the nation. After a historical string of debt imbalances from the IMF and other challenges to the state’s legitimacy, rebel groups have taken advantage of this vulnerability and transferred the power to the exploitation of children and the rise in demand of diamonds. Controlling thousands of mines all over the country, Sierra Leone’s diamond industry has been characterized by extreme violence, child trafficking, and illicit trading to large western corporations, thus earning the name “blood diamonds.” As delegates, you will be tasked with addressing the trafficking of children all throughout the continent, as well as creating an international framework that prohibits the trade of unethically extracted diamonds. This ongoing issue is quite a graphic tale, and I recommend that delegates approach their performance with respect and professionalism. This committee is also recommended for more experienced delegates, or those who are looking for a challenge!

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Surya Dodia (she/her) welcomes you all to SUNMUN III and cannot wait to direct the Human Rights Council at this year’s conference! Pursuing a double major in Political Science and International Studies on the pre-law track, Surya is passionate about international affairs and how governments work to enshrine human rights into law. Several of her classes, as well as internship opportunities are focused on legal studies and the intersection between international justice systems and international security. Surya previously directed the first Ad-Hoc GA at GatorMUN XX. She also served as a director for SUNMUN II for the Counter-Terrorism Committee, and looks forward to seeing some familiar faces! Currently serving as USG of Advisor Relations for GatorMUN XXII, Surya enjoys working to create a professional and engaging environment for delegates to compete in. Outside of Model UN, Surya is highly involved on campus, serving as a Florida Cicerone, an executive board member for Phi Alpha Delta, and as a Peer Leader for First Year Florida. Surya spent her summer studying abroad in Sorrento, Italy and cannot wait to make it her entire personality for the next few months!

Meet the Director