Ad Hoc of the Secretary General


check ur email lol


Emily Mims (any/all) is a third year Senior studying History with minors in Women and Gender Studies and Education Studies at the University of Florida. Her love for Model United Nations began in high school when she first began traveling to Florida colleges for conferences and fell in love with debating and engaging solutions to a myriad of topics. During the Covid-19 pandemic, they started a student organization, Women in MUN, to help promote equity within Model UN through resource distribution, panel discussions, training conferences, and our monthly publications. On the UF team, Emily Mims is proud to have been the President for the last two years, and directed a variety of committees, from the Sims 4 to Mamma Mia to Press Corps.

Her most formative experiences in college have been her tenure in Model UN and her Summer as an Orientation leader (Go Gators!!). When she is not doing Model UN, they are likely doing work for the office for Off Campus Life at UF, drinking tea, or planning their next tattoo (17 as of March 2023). She cannot wait to see great debate, amazing directives, and your reactions to a great twist!