SunMUN II in Orlando, Florida

For the first time, SunMUN II is taking place in Orlando, Florida. This new location allows us to connect SunMUN II to the bustling heart of Central Florida as we continue to grow our conference to new heights.

time lapsed photography of cityscape
time lapsed photography of cityscape

The Avanti Palms Resort and Conference Center

Our partner

SunMUN II is proud to partner with the Avanti Palms Resort and Conference Center to host our conference. All SunMUN II committees will take place in Avanti's state-of-the-art conference rooms.

Book now!

Teams are in charge of individually booking their SunMUN II accommodations at Avanti Palms. To book, please refer to the Avanti Palms website. We highly suggest booking through their system to receive the best price for your team.