Ad Hoc General Assembly of the Director General


Hint 1

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Kaitlyn Stroud is a senior at the University of Florida Pursing a Bachelor of Arts in both Political Science and History. After graduation she is interested in attending law school with an interest in public policy and international law. She will graduate as a member of UF honors. This past year she was the UF Model United Nations Treasurer and Interim President, she is now an active member of the travel team as she nears her graduation in the fall.

Alongside her commitment to Model UN, she works two jobs as a legal assistant and student tutor. In her free time, she loves to cook vegan food and hang out with her pet gecko. After competing in the ChoMUN ADHOC GA last spring Kaitlyn was inspired to bring this emerging committee style to SUNMUN. As a General Assembly lover, she could not be more enthused to see this new development within the national collegiate circuit and cannot wait to foster competitive but moderated debate. She loves unique and creative clauses and interactive speeches and cannot wait to see what each delegate brings to the committee.