El Despertar de los Antiguos: Council of the Gods, 2023
This is an English-Spanish bilingual Committee

Desde tiempos antiguos, el consejo de los dioses se ha encargado de cuidar de las Americas. A traves de las tierras, ellos mantienen la influencia sobre todos los aspectos del reino mortal. Sin embargo, desde hace 500 años, su poder se ha ido desvaneciendo. Muchos se han adaptado, viviendo con los humanos para ocultar su divinidad. Otros han desaparecido, si esto es debido a que están escondidos, atrapados, o muertos, nadie lo sabe. Cansados de la situación, Inti, Dios del sol ha llamado a un último consejo en la ciudad de Bogotá, con la intención de cambiar su destino. Conseguirán los dioses su control sobre los mortales de nuevo? Volverán al epítome de su poder? Este comité lo descubrirá.

From ancient times, the council of the gods has taken care of the Americas. Throughout the lands, they maintain influence over all aspects of the mortal world. However, starting 500 years ago, their powers have begun to wane. Many have adapted, living amongst the humans, hiding their divinity. Others have disappeared, whether this be because they are hidden, captured, or dead, nobody knows. Tired of his current status, Inti, the Sun God has called one last council in Bogota, with the intention of changing their fate. Will the gods get back their control over the mortals? Will they reach the peak of their power again? This committee will find out.

Background Guide

Nicolas “Nico” Mendez Arango is a Colombian-American student at the University of Florida. He is a second year double majoring in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering and has been a part of UF MUN since he arrived in August of his freshmen year. He has done MUN since high school, being the president of his high school club for 2 years, and now is in his journey of collegiate Model UN.

Aside from MUN, he is one of the geekiest people you’ll meet. Superheroes, comics, video games, board games, you name it. He also possesses a love for the sciences and mathematics, especially when it comes to physics. He is very excited for this committee, especially to see what different stories from each god come to be told. After all, who doesn’t like a good story?