Welcome to the land before time! In this committee, delegates will take on the challenge of representing dinosaurs as the committee moves through the prehistoric challenges of Pangea. Having to experience life in a way that has not been seen for 65 million years, they will quickly learn that survival will only come to those who are the fittest in their environment. As time passes, represented by sessions, delegates, and their lineages will evolve, adapting to the world around them while also having to survive the dangers of the ever-changing Earth. Three times during committee, delegates will even face the hardships of mass extinction, where their collaboration and creativity will be vital in ensuring the future of their species… and life itself.
Rawr xD!

Position Type
‘Nico’ Mendez Arango is currently a third-year student double majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering. He was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia, and is proud to serve as the director for this year’s Land Before Time: Age of the Dinosaurs Crisis committee. He has done Model UN for the past six years, serving as the director of member development for crisis last year and as the president of the club this year. Having directed multiple committees, including last year’s bilingual Council of the Gods, he is very excited to see what the delegates will bring to the table with this year's story. Outside of Model UN, he spends his free time playing board games with his friends, reading books, or going through some internet rabbit hole of random information. Either way, he hopes this SunMUN is a fun experience for everyone, as he feels that the committee he has planned is long overdue