All aboard delegates! “All Aboard: The Age of Rails” is a historical fiction based on the premise: what if we had mad max with trains? All Aboard infuses elements of the board game “Ticket to Ride” with a dose of wild west culture, prohibition-era technology, and above all, giant weaponized trains. Delegates are part of MUNtrak, the east coast rail company for what remains of the United States. Each delegate is in charge of their own route, and will have to contend with expanding their train routes while keeping safe from train robbers, the independent Midwestern states, rival train companies, and of course fellow delegates. This committee is rooted in board game mechanics, but we strongly encourage delegates to soak up the lore and get into character in their backroom notes. We trust delegates will have fun and avoid going off the rails in committee.
All aboard delegates!

Trey Slaten (He/Him) is a senior at UF majoring in economics and data science, and has been a part of UF MUN for four years. He’s previously directed the 1978 World Chess Championship committee at SunMUN II, and has firmly established himself as UF’s resident nerdy niche director. Ever since watching asdfmovie, Trey’s liked trains. The potential to combine that with Mad Max shenanigans has him incredibly excited for this committee. Trey is the President of the Gator Chess Club, the Secretary General of GatorMUN, and a seasoned travel delegate for UFMUN. When he’s not directing tournaments for the chess club or responding to countless emails for GatorMUN, you can find him watching movies with his cat, Otis. Trey is very excited to help bring you all aboard for this committee, and hopes that everyone is on track to have a fantastic time.
Meet the Directors
Michel Jijon (He/Him) is a junior at UF pursuing a dual major in political science and music. He joined Model UN during his freshman year and has been wreaking chaotic neutral havoc on the circuit ever since. He’s previously directed the highly praised Spongebob: Bikini Bottom Peril at GatorMUN XXI. If you want a well-ran goofy committee then he’s the man for the job! From the moment he had heard about the possibility of working with trains, he saw the potential for a crazy committee filled to the brim with backstabbing, resource wars, and capitalism. When he’s not doing MUN you will find him in a random library doing research for his undergraduate thesis about democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe or pursuing his newest niche interest of the week. Michel is ready for this impending age of rails for what it will bring out in his delegates. He looks forward to meeting you all!